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Tag: physical

Articles tagged as Physical

Bodybuilding Health

Posted on January 6, 2022 by Rod Friberg
Bodybuilding and nutrition are the key to a healthy life.With an adequate nourishment and physical exercises, you can perk up your life.It's important to recognize that you need to combine bodybuilding and great nutrition in order for them to have effect in your body and to enhance your life.Bodybuilding and nutrition go together.A wholesome nutrition will offer you the energy you want to operate properly, and you'll surely need energy if you would like to start a bodybuilding program...

Running With Knee Pain

Posted on October 8, 2021 by Rod Friberg
Forty-two percentage of all injuries from overuse affect the knee joint, and runner's knee (a.k.a.patellofemoral pain syndrome or PFPS), is the most common injury among runners.PFPS can impact both knees, though more commonly it's more painful in 1 knee.According to the British Journal of Sports Medicine PFPS hinders more youthful and energetic people, and twice as many women as men.This is probably because women generally have wider hips, leading to a larger angling of the thighbone to the knee, that puts the knee cap under more strain...