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Tag: surfaces

Articles tagged as Surfaces

Winter Running - Survival of the Feet

Posted on September 14, 2023 by Rod Friberg
Many dedicated runners will brave the cold, damp air and dark, slick streets as winter sets in.Running is truly a section of surviving the wintertime for some.For anybody who don't allow just a little rain, snow or sleet deter a run, it is very important learn how to protect the feet so that they too, may survive the wintertime months.Choose a synthetic sock.Avoid cotton socks! Synthetic socks wick away moisture and assist in preventing blister formation and cold feet...

Running With Knee Pain

Posted on December 8, 2021 by Rod Friberg
Forty-two percentage of all injuries from overuse affect the knee joint, and runner's knee (a.k.a.patellofemoral pain syndrome or PFPS), is the most common injury among runners.PFPS can impact both knees, though more commonly it's more painful in 1 knee.According to the British Journal of Sports Medicine PFPS hinders more youthful and energetic people, and twice as many women as men.This is probably because women generally have wider hips, leading to a larger angling of the thighbone to the knee, that puts the knee cap under more strain...