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Tag: level

Articles tagged as Level

Bodybuilding Tip

Posted on February 13, 2022 by Rod Friberg
Having a healthy and fit body is essential to endure the stressful lives we have now.Besides that too, having a healthy body is a thing of beauty and it can earn you a lot of an accolades.To have a body worth dying over, it's not just important to eat right, but also to exercise correctly.That is why it is vital that you know a very successful bodybuilding tip used by professional bodybuilders in order to make use of the exercises you're doing...

Marathon Training - All You Need to Run Your Next Marathon

Posted on July 3, 2021 by Rod Friberg
So, one of your goals this year is to run a marathon? This is a significant task and it'll take more than keeping fit and watching what you eat if you're seriously interested in achieving it.To prepare for this particular goal, you need to have a well thought out and coherent program which will bring you slowly to the ideal fitness levels.This is true for all fitness level you're at.So how do you go about training for a marathon?Well the best advice for doing so is to split down your training into different phases...