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Running With Knee Pain

Posted on December 8, 2021 by Rod Friberg

Forty-two percentage of all injuries from overuse affect the knee joint, and runner's knee (a.k.a. patellofemoral pain syndrome or PFPS), is the most common injury among runners.

PFPS can impact both knees, though more commonly it's more painful in 1 knee. According to the British Journal of Sports Medicine PFPS hinders more youthful and energetic people, and twice as many women as men. This is probably because women generally have wider hips, leading to a larger angling of the thighbone to the knee, that puts the knee cap under more strain. The symptoms of PFPS result from the irregular monitoring of the patella (kneecap) in the femoral groove.

What are the common symptoms of PFPS?

The most frequent criticism of those afflicted by PFPS is tenderness behind and around the knee. Some also experience pain on the posterior side of the knee capsule also. Instability and cracking could also be signs of PFPS. Although symptoms will differ in each situation, running on hills and uneven surfaces frequently aggravates PFPS symptoms.

What are potential causes of PFPS?

Determining one cause of your knee pain can be very tough. A fantastic approach to removing your pain is getting your knee assessed by a physical therapist. Anterior knee pain might be a biomechanical issue. Biomechanical problems that might be causing your pain include: excessive internal rotation of your hip, your knee cap may sit too high or too low in its own groove, worn cartilage in the knee joint that reduces shock absorption, high arches of the feet supplying less cushioning and flat feet, or knees that turn out or in too can pull the patella sideways.

There might also be muscular difficulties contributing to a PFPS. Tight hamstrings and calf muscles, particularly, can place excessive pressures on the knee. Weak quadriceps muscles may also cause the patella to track out of alignment, creating painful friction and friction.

What can I do to help with PFPS?

A excellent physical therapist can carry out a comprehensive evaluation and determine what factors could be contributing to your knee pain. They would also assess your running stride when running on a treadmill to ascertain if there are any issues with your running technique and gait which might be the culprit of your pain. Treatment will probably consist of exercises to concentrate on adjusting existing muscle imbalances and enhancing strength in weak muscles. You'll also carry out a flexibility program for the hamstrings, calves and hip flexors, and instruction on appropriate footwear and referral for orthotics to fix your foot placement, if needed. The rule is if your feet have great shape, your knees will follow.

Some intelligent strategies to stop PFPS is to try running on softer surfaces such as grass or trails. In addition, don't do too much. Boosting your weekly mileage greater than ten per cent each week is a lot. And finally, running on hills can be good for your heart but tough on your knees; be certain that you introduce a mountain routine gradually! For the very best advice contact a excellent physical therapist that will analyze your running gait and supply strengthening exercises to prevent future pain in your knees.